Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 700

Chapter 700


Sabrina Loved the stunning photos her new camera produced. The quality was vastly superior to those taken with her cell phone. There was one picture that she particularly Liked. It captured Bun staring at the camera with her big, round eyes, her Legs tucked under her long, fluffy fur, and the E-collar adorning her neck. Sabrina couldnt resist admiring how adorable her kitten Looked in the picture.

After some contemplation, Sabrina opened Twitter and Logged in to her main account. There, she posted some photos of Bun.

Following the scandal, Sabrina gained many fans, and her followers were eager to see more of her life.

Earlier, when she tweeted about her divorce, many people expressed their sympathy and support, admitting that they had previously misjudged her.

Is Anyone Else At Home

Initially, she hesitated to use this Twitter account, but now she was glad she did.

Sabrina was acutely aware of the risks associated with conducting a private investigation to uncover the truth about her fathers death.

If what she was doing was exposed, she might get killed.

Although she was unsure who was responsible for her fathers murder, she knew that she needed to prepare for any eventuality.

If she got killed, her investigation would come to light.

Another scenario could be that Darren uncovered a lead, yet the case remained uninvestigated due to procedural constraints or the interference of a mole.

In that case, Sabrina would use her fame and influence as powerful tools in her quest for justice. She was prepared to use her platform to pressure the relevant authorities and demand they reopen her fathers case if needed.

The internet was a double-edged sword.

Despite her concerns, Sabrina recognized the importance of tending to her main Twitter account to keep her supporters engaged and informed.

As Sabrina was scrolling through the comments on her Twitter post, she noticed someone asked her about her trip in Austrain. Most Likely, they saw it mentioned in Betties tweet.

Sabrina pondered the idea briefly before making a decision. She resolved to write an article about her trip to Austrain with Bettie, providing a detailed account of their itinerary and including captivating photos of the scenic spots they had visited. After posting the article on her Twitter account, Sabrina was delighted to receive positive comments from her followers.

The following morning, a black Cayenne pulled into the airport parking lot.

Tyrone stepped out, making his way into the terminals arrivals area.

He wore a gray coat, and his towering presence made him stand out in the crowd.

Kira sent him a message. The flight departed on time and will arrive on time.

Tyrone checked his watch, his gaze locked on the arrivals hall.

